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AJ Preschool


Our toddler program has a few things that start to look slightly different from when your child was in our infant program. From now on, AJ Preschool will provide all snacks and meals for your child while at school. Please feed your child breakfast at home so she/he can make it through the early morning until the morning snack around 10:30am. If your child is staying past Morning Preschool, lunch is served at noon and if staying for Late Day, afternoon snack is served at 3pm. The toddler classes only take one nap per day after lunch. No longer in a crib at school, your toddler will be napping on a cot. It's a much easier transition than you can imagine!


Here at AJ Preschool our classrooms are a child-led & play-based learning environment.


Click on "LEARN MORE" for our Toddlers  Curriculum Guide


Toddler: Not yet a preschooler, but no longer an infant ...

​Now that your toddler is walking everywhere and getting in to everything, your child is also ready to make a big mess! The kids will now be doing more activities that allow them to use all of their senses, with many more art materials. Each classroom will start their morning with an extended period of time having free-play, making their own decisions about what materials and friends to play and interact with. There will be a brief circle time, during which teachers will read stories and sing songs. Your child will play outside in one of the several different playground areas on our school property. We go outside during all types of weather and temperatures - so make sure to dress your child accordingly!

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